inspire to innovate, innovate to integrate.
From concepts, definitions birthing out from experiences, proven to be successful in motivating people and bringing them to a place beyond the walls to discover new ideas, face time-bound challenges with boldness and skillfully overcoming them.
A quote from one a popular philosopher king Solomon said” There’s Nothing New Under The Sun”
It’s encouraging because, before an integration, you come across challenges already experienced by people. This should ridicule out your fears and cause a leap for advancement.
Special thanks to THE SPARKS FOUNDATION for laying a platform for me to inspire young adults like myself and creating a global learning space for exposure of talents and ideas in the digital world.
Everyone needs inspiration, fuel to keep the engine running. The Possibility of that big picture in your mind becoming a reality can be achieved. A creative mind isn’t stagnant, it’s dynamic, it flows from one stream to another. An acronym which is helpful for a relentless Pursuit of your career goals, I call the ‘3D’s’ (not 3D picture display), are Determination, Demystifying, and Diversifying.
Determination is found in every man. It’s what makes a man fixed on something as a result of His calculations or research. Determination could be a seed that needs watering for sprouting, it mostly watered by People around us and what they have done. Learning about how people achieved their dreams and having mentors are essential keys to be determined.
Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Our chief want in life, is someone who shall make us do what we can. This is the service of a friend. With him, we are easily great.”
Demystifying is simply making a big or difficult picture to become clearer and easier to understand. It’s like cleaning the cobwebs to make the room cleaner or turning on the light switch to have a clear vision. In the Tech world, the goal is to use an idea, to make something impossible become a reality, useful and safe.
Diversifying comes after your idea has been projected and tested. This gives room for the enlargement and growth of your work. An example is the Popular smartphone company, Apple Inc. which was developing iPhone secretly in 2005 until it was unveiled publicly as iPhone 2G in 2007, followed by its successor 3G in 2008 progressing till date with mind-blowing advancement put in place, now launched iPhone 12 pro.
“I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next”- Steve Jobs.
Every man was born with a soul that has the ability to create, first proceeding out as a thought, advancing to a picture in the mind before it is analyzed and done. Being innovative is not a new thing, what seems new is how the thought or idea is visualized and implemented for use, someone said “the first man to download a code from a cloud on two tablets was Moses on a mountain”
Innovation by Steve Jobs is the ability to see change as an opportunity and not as a threat. One fear people face is coming up with an idea and it fails. This has many sides to it, it could be a lack of funding, physically challenged, most times failure is as a result of ignorance.
Expertise has developed a way to categorize innovation based on;
- Technology used
- Market it operates in
Gradual, continuous, and incremental improvements in the existing concepts, products or service in the market is referred to as incremental innovation.
Disruptive innovation incorporated by academic, professor, and business consultant, which aims at creating new value network either by creating a new market or coming into an existing market where the traditional business methods fail.
The sustaining innovation improves and grows the existing ones by satisfying the need of the consumer.
A rare type is a radical innovation that uses revolutionary technology and new business models to solve global problems and provides new way with solutions to needs and problems.
Specifically, being creative I urge you to:
- Define your clear goal and aims
- Perform a critical diagnostic to highlight quick wins and innovative ability gaps
- Design future innovative system components
- Plan and embed the innovation system using a phased approach
- Create a Culture of innovation
Most creative organization or people seeks transformation by building a culture of innovation, eliminating the barrier to innovation, embed the innovation process and makes it starts as soon as possible. This can’t be done overnight, it takes hard work and continuous practices to build a firm innovative capability.
Following this carefully links to integration for the advancement of yourself and the world.
Thank you for reading this article.
Julia Kyllianinen (2019), Types of innovation- The Ultimate Guild with Definitions and Examples.